Written In Clay: Subtexts, Power & Ambiguity
NCECA 2021 Panel Discussion
Our panel presentation “Written in Clay” was selected by NCECA for the annual 2020 Conference. Cancelled due to the Pandemic, the event redesigned and held virtually for the first time ever in March 2021.
Virtual postcard created for the Written in Clay NCECA Panel
Schedule and Panel screenshots from NCECA Vfairs virtual conference platform
It was exciting to moderate this dynamic discussion with such brilliant artists. We pre-recorded a 45 minute presentation of our work via Powerpoint and an edited Zoom conversation, and then went live for 15 minutes of Q&A during the conference. (Screenshot from the Virtual Panel on March 20)
Watch the full Written In Clay panel discussion on YouTube here:
Stephanie Lanter, Assistant Professor of Ceramics, University of Hartford, CT (Moderator) Dawn Holder, Associate Professor of Art, IUPUI (Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis) Joshua Hebbert, Instructor, MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art), former resident at The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA Robert Silverman, Director of Ceramics, 92nd St. Y, NYC
Promotional Image from Instagram
“The nature of text is evolving. Via personal, political and poetic lenses, we will examine the essence and function of words through ceramic forms. In this panel, we will discuss the role of ambiguity, influence, and potential pathways to connection and disconnection.” —NCECA catalog description
From the Panel
Written In Clay Artworks
Top left to bottom right: Bobby Silverman, Dawn Holder, Joshua Paul Hebbert, Stephanie Lanter